Foxconn folly in Wisconsin getting worse, with empty buildings and empty...
Josh Dzieza of The Verge magazine headed off into Wisconsin to find out what Foxconn was really doing. And what he found (or didn’t find) is summarized in this fantastic article. In the article, it is...
View ArticleWisconsin's Russia-GOP connection. It goes well beyond poll data in Mueller...
The Mueller Report had plenty of information as to how Russians worked to subvert our elections and gained influence in our current US government. But what jumps out to me is how much of that story...
View ArticleThat great "Trump economy" isn't so great in much of America. Including the...
I didn't watch a minute of Chuck Todd's absurd interview with President Trump yesterday, but I did see the follow-up on social media. And I took extra notice of this comment, which came right after...
View ArticleThe states Trump needs to hold onto are the ones doing the worst for jobs in...
On Friday, we got more evidence that whatever job growth we have left in this country is largely leaving the Midwest behind. That came from the Bureau of Labor Statistics state-by-state report, which...
View ArticleThe only way Dems can get Trump/GOPs to stop messing up America - a SHUT DOWN.
You may not have noticed as Summer wound down, but as Congress (finally) gets back into session next week, we need to get a final budget numbers figured out in the next 3 weeks. But don't worry, House...
View ArticleRon Johnson's horrible week back in Wisconsin. How the stories and lies...
Homeland Security Chair Ron Johnson came back to Wisconsin for this week's Congressional recess. And it has not gone well for (Mo)Ron.Start with this, as part of an appearance on AM 620 in Milwaukee....
View ArticleRon Johnson's bad week. And how it goes all the way back to 2016 with...
Let's go back to a story I have hammered on for two years, which came from Bruce Murphy at Urban Milwaukee in January 2017, and asked "Ron Johnson Asleep on Russian Hacking?"3 years ago, Johnson knew...
View ArticleSo how will Warren pay for Medicare for All? It's not just taxes.
Given all the talk about Elizabeth Warren’s plan to pay for Medicare for All why don't we look at the plan and see what it actually says. Warren begins by pointing out that the price tag of her...
View ArticleGOP Astroturf wants Wisconsin to "open the economy." We need to control COVID...
I've got a few thoughts with this stupid, Astroturfed meme out of right-wing Bubbleworld saying that Wisconsin and other states need to end their stay-at-home orders. The theory seems to be that if...
View ArticleTrump's stimulus plans would make recession worse, won't help people that...
Look, the president's "actions" yesterday on our economic crisis are things he cannot legally do. You cannot change tax law or change payments under certain programs or send out new money for new...
View ArticleAhead of DNC in MKE, Scott Walker continues to cause problems for Wisconsin.
With the DNC Convention coming up, there is likely to be a discussion about how things are going in Wisconsin, even if there aren't likely to be many events in Milwaukee. And you can bet that one guy...
View ArticleRussian Ronnie Johnson gets the RONA! And boy did he have it coming
The predictable trace-back resulting from the headlines of the last couple of days.We first heard about the President's positive diagnosis at 9:54pm PT yesterday. At 10:12pm, we know this much - 15...
View ArticleThey don't call him Russian Ron Johnson for nothing!
Well, this is interesting news to drop today.1- Openly observable, unsurprising, key note...Russia this time just tried to go straight to Americans they thought would promote disinformation in America....
View ArticleWhere James Carville is wrong (on race) and where he's right (on hammering GOPs)
I wanted to discuss the recent interview in Vox with Bill Clinton political adviser James Carville, as he had some provocative statements about what Democrats should do politics in the 2020s.We have to...
View ArticleRon Johnson, his oligarch donors in Wisconsin, Tax Scams, and the Big Lie
I want to thank Pro Publica for their expose on a massive giveaway to the rich that was shoved at the last-minute into the GOP Tax Scam of 2017. And you’ll never guess who is at the center of the...
View ArticleMake no mistake, Wisconsin Republicans will overturn the 2024 election if...
If you are under any illusions that Wisconsin Republicans would gladly overturn the choice of Wisconsin's voters in 2024, they should be gone after what we've seen in the last 10 days.The first example...
View ArticleRon Johnson and all other GOPs want to overturn Wisconsin elections. SAY IT!
When you saw this report come up this week, you knew nothing good could come from it..@SenRonJohnson just went into a meeting with @SenatorDevin and @jimsteineke in the Wisconsin Capitol. The meeting...
View ArticleIn DC and Wis, Dems can't "trust the system", must use power voters gave them...
Jamelle Bouie of the New York Times had a prescient observation about this whole disgraceful of the ongoing storylines of the trump years was how at junctures when he could have been stopped,...
View ArticleFoxconn seems likely to ditch Wisconsin in coming years, leaving taxpayers...
We found out recently that Foxconn wouldn't allow Oshkosh Truck to build on its thousands of acres of land in Racine County, despite the fact that such a move may have kept 1,000+ jobs in Wisconsin. So...
View ArticleIn DC and in Wisconsin, Dems need to drag, shred, and punish Big Liars and...
Each day, we see more evidence that Donald Trump and a whole lot of other Republicans were cooking up a scheme between the November 2020 election and the attempted overthrow of election results on...
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