When you saw this report come up this week, you knew nothing good could come from it.
Which naturally was followed with this.
And then combined with this non-answer.
Which means Robbin' and the rest of these ALEC scumbags have definitely studied it. Heck, it was a central part of which WisGOP was glad to be willing accomplices to.
And remember what one main GOP candidate for Governor DIDN'T say a couple of weeks ago when this subject came up.
When the answer isn't NO, the answer is YES. Rebecca Kleefisch and Robbin' Vos and Senate GOP Leader Devin (Teen Boy in a Grown-Up Job) LeMahieu will definitely overturn the choice of Wisconsin voters in 2022 and 2024, if given the chance.
And if Wisconsin Dems aren't having that FACT be a central part of their 2022 messaging for both state and federal elections, they deserve to lose. This isn't a policy situation, this is a fascism-vs-democracy situation.