The predictable trace-back resulting from the headlines of the last couple of days.
So with COVID breaking out in DC and leaving us vulnerable, what did Homeland Security Chair Ron Johnson think was the main priority to talk about this week, besides meeting with Amy Coney Barrett minutes after RBG was put in the ground? Whining that his absurd witch hunt against the Biden family was rightfully being dismissed by the 2/3 of the country that lives outside of the Faux News bubble.
And he had time for this. Especially as we found out that Trump's Department of Homeland Security (you know, the department that Ron Johnson is supposed to be overseeing) was trying to make the Kenosha shooter seem positive and sympathetic.
Maybe Sen Johnson should have spent more time caring more about this map, especially that dark red blob in the upper middle section.
Especially because Ronnie's hometown is ground zero for the worst COVID breakout in the state, with a toxic combination of being located in COVID-ravaged NE Wisconsin and having a UW campus in the city.
You can see where this going. It wouldn't even be allowed on a TV show because it's so predictable. But this is (mo)Ron Johnson we are talking about.
Oh, but don't worry Ronnie. COVID isn't THAT serious and isn't worth changing our lives over. You said so yourself back in March.
“Right now, all people are hearing about are the deaths. I’m sure the deaths are horrific, but the flip side of this is the vast majority of people who get coronavirus do survive,” said Johnson, chairman of the Senate's Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.Johnson did not shy away from that kind of calculus in an interview with me Tuesday.
“I’m not denying what a nasty disease COVID-19 can be, and how it’s obviously devastating to somewhere between 1 and 3.4 percent of the population,” he said.
“But that means 97 to 99 percent will get through this and develop immunities and will be able to move beyond this. But we don’t shut down our economy because tens of thousands of people die on the highways. It’s a risk we accept so we can move about. We don’t shut down our economies because tens of thousands of people die from the common flu,” Johnson said.
And 210,000 people don't die from the common flu. But hey, heirs to billionaire wealth like you definitely know better than doctors on what the proper policy response is to this, right? May the odds be in your favor, Senator.
But then again, Russian Ronnie doesn't work for the tens of thousands of Wisconsinites that have caught this disease in the last couple of months, or the many thousands more thrown out of work in industries that aren't getting customers because people don't want to go inside around strangers in a time of a pandemic. He's got a more important constituent to care about, one who he owes his seat to.
Now that he's afflicted, maybe Russian Ronnie shouldn't rush back to work in the next month, especially since trying to jam through this SCOTUS "justice" will guarantee that he and his fellow Republicans will be out of the majority come January (and by a lot).
After which Russian Ronnie will likely become the subject of a major ethics investigation over all the garbage you have been spreading in the last 4+ years, while covering up real crimes and threats to our country, and join Joseph McCarthy on the short list of "Senators who have been censured."
I'm not a very religious guy, but the fate of Ron Johnson and the rest of the pro-COVID Republicans is convincing me that KARMA is very real.